Blueprint for Atlantic-Arctic Agora
on cross-sectoral cooperation for restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems and increased climate resilience through transformative innovation
Coastal Restoration with nature and people
Why A-AAGORA project?
The Horizon Europe project Atlantic-Arctic Agora (A-AAGORA) is structured to support the European Commission Mission on “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” within the “Atlantic- Arctic lighthouse”.
A-AAGORA is responding to the need:
• To protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity.
• To protect valuable ecosystems located in coastal communities particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts.
• To mitigate the effects of climate change, while promoting societal well-being.
To know more about the European Commission Mission on “Restore our ocean and Waters by 2030” check PREP4BLUE project ” and about “Atlantic-Arctic lighthouse” check BLUEMISSIONAA and CLIMAREST.
Demo sites
Associated regions
Where will A-AAGORA be implemented?
A-AAGORA will demonstrate how innovation, Ecosystem-based Management and Nature-based Solutions can contribute to sustainable transformation in three coastal areas:
Troms, Arctic Archipelago, Norway
County Cork, Ireland
Centro Region, Portugal
The three Demos will serve as pilots of innovative actions, providing important data from the Atlantic-Arctic Lighthouse that can advance global ocean science and direct research in other coastal and marine regions.
A-AAGORA promotes Restoration Actions in Ria de Aveiro for the recovery of Zostera Noltei
Ria de Aveiro was the setting for a series of restoration actions focused on the recovery of Zostera noltei, a marine grass essential for the health of coastal ecosystems.